This quote seems perfect for the journey I am currently embarking on.
I want to use this space to share the Journey of Life from the perspective of a wandering soul, traveling to finding her home or simply in the words of Ayurveda; the journey back to Purusha.
This world is but a mere drop of water in time and we all walk to different beats at different speeds.
This space is for me to grow/ share/ learn and for you to share your thoughts of the process with me as well. My goal is to speak my TRUTH as it is my Dharma (cosmic law, destined service, life purpose) This will be the space of no holding back and being as transparent as possible with my words and thoughts.
........For a little background........
MY LIFE truly began when I found love in the open space of a yoga studio in my hometown, Vacaville, California.
I started a pretty regular practice and began to notice the undeniable shift that was happening in my subconscious and eventually, without awareness, I began living more awakened, more aware of the life I wanted and thus began my shift into happiness.
Life is wasted when time is spent trying to live in the patterns of yesterday and trying to fix the unknown of tomorrow.
I realized that I wanted to choose to be HAPPY and that no matter what it takes, I will achieve that because it is our basic human right to search and find happiness. The constant flow of life happened but now I was looking through a new lens, a lens now, that felt clearer than ever.
I found a yoga training, despite having any means of affording it, creating the time, and eventually succeeding. so I JUMPED IN. When life puts something this undeniable in front of your face you have no choice but to answer the call and step in, one foot at a time. Or.....in my case, JUMP!
My first training opened up my brain and poured all this life knowledge in. It expanded my consciousness once again in a most unexpecting way. However, there was so much of this knowledge floating around that I had no idea of how to decipher it and become the instructor I had just trained to be. It was when I started releasing my doubts of EVER teaching that I became more comfortable with the IDEA of teaching. So after a month or two of pondering.......i decided that the answer was clear: DO ANOTHER TRAINING! It was a hard decision but one of the best decisions of my life
Again, life had continued to flow, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. I lived in Sonoma County, where i was challenged with a dichotomy of both wonderful and discouraging initial teachings. If I hadn't had my training and this new way of handling the constant ups and downs of life, I do feel I might have gone an entire different direction.
Needless to say, for me, YOGA IS LIFE.
I have struggled with many health issues while in my training that made the daily tasks of just existing, pretty painful and daunting. I have been suffering from a debilitating skin disorder and worst of all not really having a true understanding of what it was. I threw in the towel and proclaimed that "enough was enough" after spending a week in bed. Through the 7 years of feeling like this I experimented with everything under the sun; western medicine & ointments, allergy meds, food elimination, different lotions/soaps/filters/etc., Chinese medicine & herbs (which started to help after 5 months or so but was not sustainable because of costs) and then finally i found Ayurveda. I found the most significant results with ayurvedic herbs and panchakarma.
My partner has stood by me through all of this, the yoga, the trainings, the pain, the anger associated with the pain, the lack of energy, and the many years of suffering. She too had had enough. She urged me to pursue the California College of Ayurveda so I can learn how to heal myself and find the harmony I had been searching for. So I did. I got on the phone and before I knew, it I was enrolled!
I am a very lucky individual who is surrounded by love and support by many friends and family, they have all been inspirations in my yoga career and have further inspired me to keep the thirst. The thirst for life, for happiness, and i have come to realize that life's true purpose is the search for BALANCE & HARMONY.
I urge you all to start living YOUR truth, to find YOUR happiness, and not to stop until you find the path that makes you want to embrace every breath, as the most incredible gift. WHY? Because you deserve it. We all do.
Currently, I am fulfilling my true DHARMA of becoming an Ayurvedic Doctor and am currently enrolled at the California College of Ayurveda. If you would like to help get me to this goal I can use your support by sponsoring my education below. Please feel free to email me with any questions!
To learn more about AYURVEDA and my school check out ayurvedacollege.com
Peace, Love & Light